In this article I'll bring you up to speed with the various analytics available on the Insights tab. The analytics in EARLY help you to:
Discover where your time goes and get insights on what you spend it on
Spot trends in how you spend your time and compare key metrics to time frames in the past
Explore how what you spend your time on changes over time and detect patterns
Apply filters to only look at specific folders, activities, tags/mentions, and days
Have a detailed look at every time and leave entry
Export your data to process further or send to others
Curious? Let's dive right in! This view consists of several different analytics which help you to understand how you spend your time.
The filter bar:
The filter bar lets you specify the exact data you want displayed on the Insights tab.
The first thing you might want to specify is the time frame. This can be done with the calendar picker in the top left of the Insights tab.
To narrow down the data even further, you can make use of the drop down menus (filters). These are to the right of the calendar picker.
To filter for specific Folders, People (requires a Team or Enterprise subscription), Activities, Tags, Note text, or Billable/Non-Billable. Simply select the ones you would like to filter from the drop down menus to the right of the calendar picker
After you've applied one or multiple filters, you can save them for quick access later by clicking the "+ Save Filter" button below the drop down menus, naming your saved filter, and clicking the check mark icon.
The Summary:
The summary gives you an overview of how you've spent your time in the selected time frame. If you have a Personal Pro or Team subscription you can also see your billable time here. If you have multiple folders selected in your filter settings the inner ring of the pie chart shows you a per-folder breakdown (1) and the outer ring shows you a per-activity breakdown (2)
Hovering over a segment of the pie chart will highlight it and show you some additional information. Hovering over a folder (inner ring) will show you which activities (outer ring) belong to that folder. Hovering over an activity will show you which folder the activity belongs to.
Clicking on a segment, or an activity in the list on the right hand side, will set a filter for this activity.
The trends chart:
The "trends chart" helps you compare certain metrics from the time frame you've selected in the filter bar to a comparison time frame which can be set using the Timespan
filter dropdown in the trends chart (1).
The time chart:
The time chart lets you compare how you've spent your time between multiple days (or weeks/months, depending on which time frame you've selected).
The perspective switcher in the right upper corner lets you switch between hours and percentages %.
Clicking on an activity sets a filter for the given activity.
The tags chart:
The tags chart shows you the tags/mentions used most often over the course of the selected time frame.
The perspective switcher in the right upper corner lets you switch between hours and percentages %.
Clicking on a tag/mention sets a filter for the given tag/mention.
The people chart:
If you are a full access member of a Folder you'll be able to view the data of Folder members. Please note that there is a midnight delay between when a Folder member tracks or creates a time entry and when that time entry becomes visible to full access members. You must be on a Team plan in order to invite other EARLY users to a Folder.
The perspective switcher in the right upper corner lets you switch between hours and percentages %.
The people digest table:
To analyze time entry data across all folders, both Workspace folders and non-Workspace Folders, use the People Digest table in the Insights > General
area of EARLY. This table shows the total amount of tracked time entry data based on the filters you've set and does not take into account hours owing, overtime, or leave data.
The time entries list:
The time entries list shows you every single time entry for the selected time frame.
Time entries can be sorted by ascending or descending order, based on their creation time (1).
Clicking on a time entry opens the time entry editor so you can make any required changes to your time entries. Only time entries that were created by you can be edited here.
If you have users in a different time zone the time will appear in the user's local time. You can hover your cursor over the time to see a conversion to your local time
The list view:
The leave tab shows all the applicable leave entries for the period defined by the Timespan
filter (1). You can also filter for leave types (2) as well as people (3).
The calendar view:
Click on the calendar icon (1) to switch to the calendar view. Here you can see a calendar view showing at-a-glance information about what date(s) people have booked leave during. Hover over a leave entry (2) to see a summary of the leave information.
The chart view:
Click on the bar graph icon (1) to switch to the chart view. Here you will see the leave information broken down per person with a bar chart indicating the leave types. You can hover over the chart to display leave information (2).
Work hours
Work hours and overtime:
The "Work hours" tab is only available to members of a workspace. Admins and/or Owners of a workspace will be able to see the data of all workspace folder members. Members of a workspace will only be able to see their own data.
You can get a quick overview of the amount of time or leave that you or your team has recorded in a daily/weekly/monthly summary (1).
Set the desired Timespan using the Timespan
filter drop down near the top left corner (2) and use the People
filter drop down (3) to specify whose data you want to see.
Columns highlighted in blue indicate that there may be additional data that will be available at a later time for your team members as there is a midnight delay built into Folders.
Overtime and under hours (or hours owing), which are calculated based on working hours, are shown in green and red respectively. To compensate overtime just click on the name of any member in the table.
You can hover over any given day to get a breakdown of time and leave entries recorded (4). All workspace folders which are counted toward the working hours shown in this table can be found beneath the table (5).
Automatic Tracking (BETA)
If you have enabled our Automatic tracking feature this area will give you a breakdown of how you're splitting your time between apps.
Please note: π΅οΈ This feature was built with your privacy in mind. All automatic tracking data is not sent to the cloud and is stored only locally on your computer π
You can set the time span using the calendar selector at the top left of the window (1). The "App usage" chart will show you a breakdown of Productive vs. Unproductive app usage (2). At a glance information on your productivity based on weekdays and hours of the day can be found in the charts to the right (3, 4). The productive and unproductive app usage tables (5, 6) will show you how much time you've spent using these individual apps and the "Most opened app" table (7) will show you how many times you've opened or switched between these apps.
To set an app as productive or unproductive just hover over the app in any of the tables at the bottom (5, 6, 7) and click the link that will appear on hover.