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Removing a user from a Folder/Workspace or leaving a Folder
Removing a user from a Folder/Workspace or leaving a Folder

What happens if you remove a user from a Folder or leave a Folder?

Updated today

In this article we will go over what happens when you:

  • Remove a member from a Folder you are a full access member of

  • Leave a Folder you are a personal access member of

Remove a user from a Folder

If you are a full access member of a Folder you have the ability to remove other Folder members.

To do so, click on the edit icon (pencil) that appears when you hover over the Folder name in the Calendar or in the Tracker tab. Under the Members section click on the drop down to the right of the member you would like to remove from the Folder and then click on Remove from Folder:

When someone is removed from a Folder any time entry data they created in that Folder is archived and will still be available via the "Insights" view. They will receive an email notification that they have been removed from the Folder.

The time entry data they created while they were a Member of the Folder will still be visible by the full access members, however EARLY will automatically prefix the user with (Former).

Remove a user from a workspace (and workspace folders)

If you are the Owner/Admin of a workspace (Team subscription) you can also remove a user from the workspace with the option to remove them from any workspace folders as well.

To do so navigate to Settings > Members and click on the drop down menu to the right of the user you wish to remove and click on "Remove from workspace". A pop up will appear asking you if you would also like to remove them from any workspace folders.

If the user is removed from workspace folders then any time entry data they created in those folders will be archived and will still be available via the "Insights" view. The time entry data they created while they were a Member of the Folders will still be visible by the full access members of those folders, however EARLY will automatically prefix the user with (Former).

If they are only removed from the workspace and not the folders they will remain a member of those folders and a Guest badge will appear beside their name in the Members section of the Folder settings. Their time entry data will still be attributed to them and they will not be prefixed with (Former).

Leaving a folder

Leaving a Folder will produce the same results. To leave a Folder as a personal access member, click on the Folder name and click the Leave Folder button. If you are a full access member of a Folder you will need to downgrade yourself to personal access by clicking the drop down menu to the right of your entry in the member list and selecting 'personal access'.

After leaving a Folder the same time entry data archiving scenario as above will occur. An email will be sent to the full access members of the Folder notifying them that you have left.

If you have any questions or encounter any issues please reach out to us at [email protected]

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