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The Calendar tab

Getting started with the Calendar tab in the desktop and web apps

Updated today

This article will help you get to know the main view of the EARLY application.

This view is called the Calendar tab and will help you track your time and leave entries and get a good overview about how you've spent your time during the day or week.


The Calendar consists of the following areas:

  1. The activity list shows all of your activities and folders. Clicking on the play button beside an activity will start tracking a time entry for this activity.

  2. The calendar view shows all the time and leave entries that you've recorded this week as well as the current tracking time entry. If you have the calendar integration setup EARLY's AI will also auto-suggest potential time entries based off you calendar events. These suggested entries are shown with a dotted outline and a lightning bolt in the upper right-hand corner ⚡

  3. The editor pop-up appears after clicking on a time or leave entry. Here, all the details of a time or leave entry can be edited.

  4. There is a toggle to switch between a single day view or a view of the entire week

Time and Leave entries

All your tracked time and leave entries appear in the Calendar tab.

Time entries can be created by either:

  • Tracking manually by clicking the play button beside an activity.

  • Clicking on the day or week view, holding down your mouse button and dragging.

  • Single-clicking inside the day or week view.
    Note: the default length of a time entry entered by single-clicking depends on the zoom level of the calendar. To adjust the default length please change the zoom accordingly.

Leave entries can be created by:

  • Clicking or clicking and dragging on a blank space in the Calendar and then selecting a leave type

Sizes of time entries

Time entries always try to show as much information as possible.

  1. If a time entry is very small, only the activity colour will be shown. You can see more details by hovering your mouse over this time entry.

  2. If a time entry is small, the activity name is shown. Also here you can get additional information by hovering your mouse cursor over the time entry.

  3. Bigger time entries also show the duration and (if there is any) the notes for this time entry, as well as icons indicating if it is billable or excluded from work hours

How to edit time or leave entries

You can start editing a time or leave entry by clicking on it. After clicking on it, the edit pop-up will open.

In the edit pop-up, you can edit every aspect of a time or leave entry. These include things like start and end dates/times, duration, the activity or leave type, as well as notes and tags.

If you only want to edit the start or end time of a time entry you can simply do this by dragging the top or bottom of a time entry (Please note: This functionality is not currently supported by leave entries).

You can drag and drop to arrange time entries by clicking on them, leaving the mouse button pressed and then moving them to the desired destination (Please note: This functionality is not currently supported by leave entries).

Copying and pasting time entries

If you find yourself frequently needing to enter the same time entry repeatedly, like a recurring meeting for example, you can copy and paste a time entry by holding the OPTION button on a Mac or the CTRL button on windows and then clicking and dragging the time entry to the desired location in the Calendar. All the time entry information, including any notes, will be retained.

How to edit currently tracking time entry

The start time of your currently tracking time entry can be edited by dragging it or by clicking the time entry and manually editing the start date/time. Other details like the activity can be edited by clicking on the currently tracking time entry.


Zooming is a very important aspect of the Calendar tab. By default, the zoom level is set so you get a good overview of your workday and week. To get a more detailed and accurate insight of a particular time frame, you can zoom in by simply clicking the "+" button in the bottom right corner. Similarly clicking on the "-" button will zoom out further and thus give you an even better overview. You can use the keyboard shortcut CTRL/CMD +/- to increase/decrease the zoom as well.


Depending on the zoom level, short time entries will be grouped together. If the time entries are of the same activity, the group will have the colour of this activity. If they are from different activities, the group will be grey.

Hovering your mouse pointer over a group will display a pop-up with detailed information. Clicking on a time entry inside the group will zoom, so the time entry is fully visible.


When creating a time entry via dragging or manipulating the start or end time of a time entry via drag, we've implemented a system to assist you. The dragged part will always either snap to one of the grid lines or to the next time entry. The grid lines are dependent on the current zoom level. The further you zoom in, the finer the granularity of them.


A fundamental concept of the EARLY application is that there can only be one time entry for a given time frame. So when you manipulate a time entry so it overlaps with another one, a conflict will be shown. If a change causes a conflict, the change cannot be saved, until the conflict is resolved.

Customize the Calendar view

You can change the start day of the week from Monday to Sunday and show/hide weekends in the Calendar view depending on what your preference is. To do so click on the drop down menu in the top right-hand corner of the Calendar view and adjust your preferences accordingly.

Daily view vs. Weekly view

You can toggle between a single day view or a view of the entire week by clicking the drop down menu in the top right-hand corner of the Calendar view and selecting either Day view or Week view (or press the D or W keys on the keyboard).

In the daily view there are dedicated columns for:

  1. Your time entries, leave entries, and suggested entries (if you have calendar integration setup)

  2. Your automatic tracking entries (if you have this feature enabled)

  3. And a dedicated column for your integrated calendar entries

You can click on the button to the left of the drop down menu in the top right-hand corner to expand or contract your automatic tracking/integrated calendar context entries.

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