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Connect a Public Google or Outlook Calendar using a URL
Connect a Public Google or Outlook Calendar using a URL

Integrate your Public calendar with EARLY using an .ics URL

Updated today

If you would like to integrate a Public Google or Outlook calendar with EARLY you can do so by using an .ics URL that these services provide. The steps are outlined below:

Google Calendar

  1. Open Google Calendar in your browser

  2. In the left sidebar hover over the calendar you'd like to integrate

  3. Click the three dot icon to the right of the calendar and click "Settings and sharing"

  4. Scroll down to the Integrate calendar section and copy the URL from the "Public address in iCal format" (1) or the "Secret address in iCal format" (2) if this option is available

🚨Please note 🚨

The "Secret address in iCal format" is not enabled by default and the administrator of your Google workspace will need to enable this feature via their Google Workspace Admin console. This may not be available for all calendar types.

Once you have the URL copied navigate to Settings > Automatic tracking > Calendar context > Other calendar in EARLY and paste the URL in here and click Save.

Outlook Calendar

  1. Open Outlook Calendar in your browser

  2. Click on Settings (gear icon) in the navigation bar at the top of the window

  3. Click on View all Outlook settings at the bottom of the sidebar

  4. Click on Calendar > Shared calendars

  5. Under Publish a calendar select the calendar you want to integrate and select the permissions

  6. Copy the .ics URL

Once you have the URL copied navigate to Settings > Automatic tracking > Calendar context > Other calendar in EARLY and paste the URL in here and click Save.

The calendar you are integrating using these methods must be set to Public in order for the integration to work properly (unless you have the Google secret address in iCal format available, in which case the calendar can be private).

If you have any questions let us know at [email protected]

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