Short Facts
Tasks in Harvest are imported as activities in EARLY
When you stop tracking a task imported from Harvest in EARLY you will be able to see it in your Harvest Timesheet
Notes entered in the activity in EARLY will appear in the timesheet entry in Harvest
Starting a timesheet entry in Harvest will not begin tracking that activity in EARLY
Deleting Harvest activities in EARLY will not delete the tasks in Harvest
Creating or updating Harvest activities within EARLY will not work
Setup the Harvest integration via the EARLY app at Settings > Integrations
Click the ->
button on the Harvest integration
Click on the Authorize EARLY button
This will redirect you to the authorization page where you would then click the Authorize application button
Once you've authorized the app you can select which of your Harvest tasks you'd like to import
Click the Next button and select the tasks you'd like to import then click Save:
You should now see your Harvest tasks as Activities in EARLY
If you need help don't hesitate to contact us via [email protected] or by using the chat box on the bottom right of this page.